Madras Motor Sports Club has announced the next AVT Duchess Club Womens Car Rally to be held on Sunday,10th July, 2011, from 9 a m onwards. The Rally will be the 10th rally conducted by the Duchess Club, regularly in as many years. The Duchess Rally will follow the TSD format, covering a distance of 75km.
Entry fee is Rs.800 which includes lunch for the team of four people.
This year as a special incentive, AN ALL MALE category has been included.
Briefing will be held on Saturday, 9th July, 2011, at Hotel Savera from 5 p m onwards. Registration forms can be had from Duchess Club, Hotel Saver or MMSC. Registration will be accepted from 3.00 pm up to 4.30 p m on 9th July, 2011, at Hotel Savera. Forms are also available online here. Forms will also be sent on email,if requested, at mmsc_chennai[at]