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It was in late August this year that Gumpert declared insolvency and joined the sad ranks of Artega and Melkus. Insolvency proceedings began on 16th October. Pardon us if we get this wrong, but our understand of the concept of insolvency is that, here the local court appoints an ‘Insolvency Administrator’ who evaluates the firm and more often than not, a financial and organisational restructuring takes place to ensure the recovery of the business. In Gumpert’s case Mr. Görge Scheid who was appointed as the Insolvency administrator after factory inspection and talks with all 30 employees stated that ‘the business’ chances of recovery as extremely beneficial’.

Only a few days after the provisional insolvency began, a sale was made much to the delight of the 25 odd employees at Gumpert. Mr. Scheid has said that the first negotiations with investors will take place. He also poitned out that despite a downturn in the automotive industry, the strong demand for the sports car apollo shows that there is still a place in the market for an independent sports car manufacturer.

“Compared to other small series producers, which face insolvency (Melkus, Artega), the apollo comes with self-contained technical developments on the highest level. The super sports car has a small and exclusive fan base in Germany. As all cars are handmade, every masterpiece is unique and built to specific customer needs.” he added.

Managing director Roland Gumpert informed: “Next quarter we expect to sell four to five cars”. The world wide dealer network has been reactivated, so that also orders from Japan, China, Turkey and the Middle East are expected.

“We strongly assume that we will find an investor and save all 25 jobs in Altenburg”, announced insolvency administrator Mr. Scheid.

Read about the Gumpert Tornante, Gumpert apollo r, apollo enraged

Gumpert Tornante by Touring