Audi launched the TT Coupe in India at a price of Rs. 48,36,000 (ex-showroom Maharashtra) this week. The TT Coupe will be powered by the 2.0 TFSI petrol engine with turbocharging and direct fuel injection that makes 155 kW (211 hp) and 350 Nm of torque at 1600 – 4200 rpm. The quattro permanent all-wheel drive system is standard for the 2.0 TFSI with the S tronic. Audi says this translates to a performance of 0-100 km/hr in 5.6 seconds.

Audi TT Coupe : Front 3/4

Audi TT Coupe in India : Front

The body of the TT Coupé is based on hybrid Audi Aluminum Space Frame (ASF) technology. Lightweight aluminum is used at the front of the car back to the B-pillar, with steel panels used at the rear. The mix makes it possible to finely balance the axle loads and keep the overall weight low.

Audi TT Coupe India : Rear

Audi TT Coupe India : Interior

What’s Next?

TT with the 2.0 TDI engine

There is the TT with the option of the 2.0 TDI quattro diesel mill good for 125 kW (170 hp) engine available elsewhere, that should have a chance of making it to India, especially with its claimed 18.89 km/l fuel efficiency and 350 Nm of torque.

TT Roadster

Oh come on Audi, aren’t you going to give us the pleasure of open top motoring?

TTS Coupe and Roadster

Shaving 0.1 seconds from the TT, the TTS Coupe does the 0-100 sprint in 5.2 seconds.With the two-liter TFSI producing 220 kW (272 hp) and 350 Nm (258.15 lb-ft) of torque the TTS variants are slightly better numbers than the TT, wonder why Audi didn’t bring these to India, in the first place.

Audi TT RS

A turbocharged 2.5-liter 5 cylinder engine with FSI direct gasoline injection that makes 250 kW (340 hp) and delivers 450 Nm of torque to the crankshaft is what powers the TT RS. There is a flap in the left exhaust tailpipe that opens when the driver pushes the Sport button and the sound of the five-cylinder unit becomes even more intense and the engine’s responsiveness is boosted further.

The TT RS Coupe does the 0-100 sprint in 4.3 seconds. Ah.

Audi, please?

Audi TT RS Coupe India

Audi TT RS plus

The 2.5-liter TFSI in the Audi TT RS plus is a high-performance engine. Compared with the engine on which it is based, this turbocharged direct-injection unit delivers 15 kW (20 hp) more power, which is around 360 hp! It produces 465 Nm of torque, 15 Nm more than the RS.

It gets a spoiler at the rear for increased downforce to help put all that power on tarmac. The RS Plus is also lighter than the RS by around 50 kgs and tips the scales at 1450 kg.

Audi TT RS Plus Coupe IndiaAudi TT RS Plus Coupe India : Rear fixed spoiler for increased downforce