The All-New Fiesta PowerShift Automatic, was launched today at a starting price of Rs 899,000 (Ex Showroom New Delhi). The Fiesta PowerShift Automatic will be available in Style and Titanium+ trims powered ONLY by the new top-of-the-line 1.5 L Ti-VCT petrol powertrain. Ford also claims the Fiesta PowerShift will deliver ARAI fuel efficiency of 16.97 kpl.
The Fiesta PowerShift Automatic brings Ford’s revolutionary PowerShift dual-clutch six-speed technology to India, and looks to elevate the customer experience to a whole new level by offering segment-leading features such as Voice-Control with Bluetooth, Cruise Control, Hill-Launch Assist and Ford Grade-assist and Rear Parking sensors.
The Fiesta PowerShift Automatic features a sealed-for-life transmission unit. It requires no maintenance for 10 years or 240,000 kms, not even change of gear oil. In line with Ford’s new found love for reduced ownership costs, the PowerShift unit has been engineered to provide long-term durability and minimize ownership costs for its lifetime operation, maintenance and repair.
The top-end Titanium+ will have leather seats, in addition to all the features on the style variant. The Titanium+ also gets Bluetooth voice control, alloy wheels, auto power-fold mirrors, reverse parking sensor and chrome front grille. The Titanium+ variant is priced at Rs 970,300 ex showroom Delhi.
Ford India is offering a 2-year/ 100,000 km warranty.
“We are democratizing technology and going further in our efforts to understand what our customers want. The launch of PowerShift technology offers the best in class comfort, fuel efficiency, performance and affordability. The all-new Fiesta Automatic PowerShift, is the right sedan that befits the desired esteem and attitude of our customers, with zero maintenance transmission and hence low cost of ownership, class-leading features and best-in-class fuel-efficiency.” Boneham added.