The compact multi purpose vehicle from Maruti was unveiled at the Auto Expo. The Utility Vehicle (UV) segment accounts for around 14 per cent of the Indian automobile industry, a 66 per cent (two third) of these are Multi-Purpose Vehicles (MPV), the segment where Ertiga is positioned, says Maruti. This segment also has shown a growth of 14 percent.

Maruti Suzuki Ertiga unveiled at the 11th AutoExpo in New Delhi

The interiors feature a 3-spoke, tilt adjustable electric steering, twin AC, audio system (USB Compatible, 4+2 speakers), steering mounted audio controls, central door locking and keyless entry, multi information display, power windows with auto down and electrically adjustable mirror.

Maruti Suzuki Ertiga InteriorsMaruti Suzuki Ertiga Interiors Rear

The all new powerful and light weight K-14 VVT petrol engine will debut on Ertiga. The Ertiga’s diesel variant will be powered by the 1.3 litre DDiS Super Turbo diesel engine. The Indian specification Ertiga with a petrol engine delivers a peak performance of 70kw@6000rpm and a maximum torque of 130Nm @ 4000rpm. The Certified fuel efficiency of Petrol Ertiga is 16.02 km per litre.

Maruti Suzuki Ertiga  : Side ViewMaruti Suzuki Ertiga  : Rear 3/4

The Ertiga with the high powered Diesel engine in India will deliver a peak power of 66kw@4000rpm and a top end torque of 200Nm@1750rpm. The Certified fuel efficiency of Diesel Ertiga is 20.77 km per litre, CMW Rule 155, India Cycle.

The Ertiga offers a three-row flexi-seating options for 7 passengers (2x3x2). Each row of the car has been designed keeping in mind the occupants seating requirements says Maruti.

Maruti Suzuki Ertiga  : Rear Maruti Suzuki Ertiga : Exhaust and spare wheel