The compact multi purpose vehicle from Maruti was unveiled at the Auto Expo. The Utility Vehicle (UV) segment accounts for around 14 per cent of the Indian automobile industry, a 66 per cent (two third) of these are Multi-Purpose Vehicles (MPV), the segment where Ertiga is positioned, says Maruti. This segment also has shown a growth of 14 percent.
The interiors feature a 3-spoke, tilt adjustable electric steering, twin AC, audio system (USB Compatible, 4+2 speakers), steering mounted audio controls, central door locking and keyless entry, multi information display, power windows with auto down and electrically adjustable mirror.
The all new powerful and light weight K-14 VVT petrol engine will debut on Ertiga. The Ertiga’s diesel variant will be powered by the 1.3 litre DDiS Super Turbo diesel engine. The Indian specification Ertiga with a petrol engine delivers a peak performance of 70kw@6000rpm and a maximum torque of 130Nm @ 4000rpm. The Certified fuel efficiency of Petrol Ertiga is 16.02 km per litre.
The Ertiga with the high powered Diesel engine in India will deliver a peak power of 66kw@4000rpm and a top end torque of 200Nm@1750rpm. The Certified fuel efficiency of Diesel Ertiga is 20.77 km per litre, CMW Rule 155, India Cycle.
The Ertiga offers a three-row flexi-seating options for 7 passengers (2x3x2). Each row of the car has been designed keeping in mind the occupants seating requirements says Maruti.