Garware Motors, who are distributing the Hyosung range of motorcycles in India, have announced in Hyderabad during the opening of their new dealership, that the 250cc Hyosung GT 250 will be launched in four to six months time at a price point Rs. 2.25 lakhs. One assumes that this price is for the fully faired version and that the naked version will be a little cheaper. At Rs. 2.25 lakhs, the 250 cc V twin will be lower in price compared to the Kawasaki Ninja 250R but will be much more expensive than the Honda CBR250R that retails at Rs. 1.60 lakhs for the non ABS version. Even though the Honda is single cylinder engined motorcycle its specs in terms of power output match those of the Hyosung. It remains to be seen how this pans out for Garware Motors. Garware has also said that they are considering the launch of Hyosung’s range of electricity driven two wheelers in about two years time and that Garware will be providing road side assistance and taxi service to customers in case of a break down. That should get some customers on their side.