Titled ‘HALF! Lightweight with a Passion’ Michelin would like you to design a lightweight family vehicle, find the design brief below.Michelin Challenge Design is Michelin North America’s way of expressing its interest in and commitment to innovative design. Entries are welcome from any country. You can either snail mail, fax or submit your entries online . Registration is open till June 2012.

Participants are asked to explore lightweight vehicle development by designing a family vehicle capable of transporting between four and six people, meeting consumer demands for safety and comfort, usable on the current road infrastructure, and production feasible using materials, powertrain solutions, or manufacturing solutions that are in use today or in development for use in the foreseeable future.

Why does Michelin care about design?

Michelin wants to assist in the evolution of transportation. Michelin’s corporate culture places a high value on design and innovation as important to consumer satisfaction and maintaining Michelin’s role as the industry leader.

Submit entries here.

More info on Michelin Design Challenge 2013 here. Watch Riot Engine’s  ‘Design’ section as we get you more information, and do drop us a line if you decide to participate!

Michelin Design Challenge 2013