Mitsubishi of Japan the maker of the evocative Evo series of cars has been in financial trouble for a very long time now. While the Lancer Evolution cars have a cult following and while Mitsubishi also makes the very capable Pajero/Montero series of SUVs its sales have not been putting it back firmly in black. The car maker has been evolving strategies for the future to retrieve lost ground. It seems to be betting on electric vehicles and plug in hybrids and has announced small cars in this segment. Mitsubishi probably wants to be the first mover into the segment. In what seems to be a strategy consistent with this, Mitsubishi announced that the Lancer EvoX was the last of the series since the company no longer wanted to be environmentally and politically incorrect by making petrol guzzling cars. This lead to an outrage in the community of Evo afficianados forcing Mitsubishi to say that the Evo tradition will be continued but with electric cars or hybrids. Now Mitsubishi says it wants F1 style racing with electric cars. We suppose the sound for this would come from a sound system installed around racing tracks which would play a recorded tape of petrol engine sounds. Ridiculous as this is, it is scary that this may eventually be the fate of motor racing, with car manufacturers falling over each other to please the green brigade, whose perspective of pollution is totally screwed up. But that is subject for another debate.